
Peutz is a group of independent consultants specialised in a wide range of fields related to the design and building of any type of architectural or industrial development. Specialities range from acoustics, [...]

By |2017-03-03T15:25:20+02:00March 3, 2017|Excursions|Comments Off on

Excursion Doornroosje: CHEOPS x Mollier

The excursion last friday was very interesting,! Together with CHEOPS, Studievereniging Bouwkunde we have organised a trip to one of Netherlands` most interesting music venues. One of the main goals [...]

By |2017-10-17T19:19:34+02:00February 19, 2017|Excursions|Comments Off on Excursion Doornroosje: CHEOPS x Mollier

Excursion Doornroosje

Mollier and CHEOPS are joining forces! Acoustics, architecture, urbanism, management and building physics and services come together in the new building of Doornroosje, the music venue of Nijmegen. Join us [...]

By |2017-10-27T17:21:38+02:00January 18, 2017|Excursions|Comments Off on Excursion Doornroosje
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