Would you like to participate in a student competition? Do you want to present your research to a broader audience? Here are some upcoming or recurring competitions.
If you know more competitions that may be interesting to us, let us know and we will add it to the list.
Scriptieprijs Brandveiligheid 2018 IFV – VVBA
By: IFV and VVBA
Subject: Fire safety engineering
Website: http://www.fellowfse.nl/ifv-vvba-scriptieprijs-1
Information: http://www.fellowfse.nl/VVBAIFVscriptieprijs2018.pdf
Time: Yearly, before the 1th of september
Voor de meest innovatieve, spraakmakende, relevante of fundamentele master- of bachelorthesis betreffende brandveiligheid stellen IFV en VVBA een scriptieprijs beschikbaar ter waarde van € 1200,=
Ben jij in 2017 of 2018 afgestudeerd? Heeft jouw onderwerp te maken met brandpreventie, protectie, repressie, nazorg, of brengt het met fire engineering de juiste verbanden tussen de schakels in de veiligheidsketen?
For the most innovative, startling, relevant or fundamental master- or bachelorthesis focused on fire safety the IFV and VVBA have introduced a thesis competition where you can win 1200 euros.
LUXI – LICHTWOCHE München 2018
By: German Lighting Magazine
Subject: Building Lighting
Website: http://www.lichtwoche-muenchen.de/
Information: 2018_04_LIWO_Luxi_Jurybewertungsleitlinie & 2018_04_LIWO_Luxi_Teilnahmebedingungen
Time: Registration at luxi@lichtwoche-muenchen.de until 04. June 2018
Submission of works or deadline for submissions is August 31, 2018.
The award ceremony will take place on 02.11. in the German Theater in Munich.
LUXI – Der LICHT-Preis will again be presented this year as part of the 4th LICHTWOCHE München. Here, the journal LICHT distinguishes particularly innovative contributions from students, young designers and planners or courageous entrepreneurs.
They allow three categories:
- Luminaire or lighting object
- Lighting concept or lighting design
- Light control and lighting technology
Excellent and rewarded with a cash prize are works on the subject of light, which are particularly innovative, which are designed to make life better for people or serve the scientific transfer in practice.
A look at the history shows that the LUXI can be a successful springboard especially for young people: One of the winners of 2017 (Martin Seidl, work lamp) exhibited this year at the Young Design Areal at Light + Building. The Ambright company, winners of the Innovation Award and exhibitors, have since received a lot of positive feedback and are working together with other new partners. Also for the company Anylamp from Regensburg, laureate Startup, there was a lot of media response and new contacts. Janis Necker, 2nd Prize Winner 2015, works today at a well-known Munich lighting design office. Even participants who did not receive an award but exhibited at the awards ceremony came into contact with numerous manufacturers. Lichtwoche München in particular offers itself as a network platform for young people and companies.
A strong media response in the specialist and regional press is certain.
Well, it’s worth it to join!
REHVA Student Competition
By: Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Association (REHVA) and TVVL
Subject: Heating, ventilating and air conditioning
Website: https://www.rehva.eu/committees/education-and-training/rehva-student-competition.html & https://www.tvvl.nl/studentcompetition
Time: Yearly
REHVA stages competitions to select and to award the best students in heating, ventilating and air conditioning all over Europe. Each European country has the right to nominate one entry to the competition. This has to be done through REHVA`s members associations. The entry has to be based on a diploma-, master or bachelor work in the field of heating, ventilation or air conditioning. For details of your national competition, please contact your national association.
Jaarlijks vindt de REHVA Student Competition plaats. Deze wedstrijd voor onderzoek op het gebied van verwarming, ventilatie en airconditioning moedigt studenten aan bij te dragen aan een duurzame toekomst voor de aarde.
De eerste selectie in de wedstrijd vindt plaats op nationaal niveau en wordt in Nederland georganiseerd door TVVL. TVVL roept studenten op zich aan te melden voor de Dutch Nominee Competition. De winnaar van de Nederlandse competitie doet mee aan de REHVA Student Competition 2018 die dit jaar in Brussel wordt gehouden maakt daar kans op een geldprijs van € 500.
Kees van der Lindenprijs
By: Nederlands Vlaams Bouwfysica Vereniging (NVBV)
Subject: Building Physics
Website: https://nvbv.org/ding-jij-mee-naar-de-prijs-van-e-250/
Time: Two-yearly
Do you have a final thesis related to Building Physics? Do you like to publish an article about this? We would love to receive your article!
Heb jij een leuk afstudeeronderwerp gerelateerd aan het vakgebied Bouwfysica? Vind je het leuk om hier een artikel over te publiceren? Wij ontvangen je artikel graag!
NRP Masterprijs
By: NRP – Platform voor Transformatie en Renovatie
Subject: Transformation and Renovation
Website: http://www.nrp.nl/branches/nrp-masterprijs/
Time: Yearly, between 1 februari and 1 september you can deliver your thesis
De NRP Masterprijs is een stimulans voor studenten om zich verder te bekwamen in transformatie en renovatie. Tegelijkertijd leveren zij met hun afstudeerscripties een bijdrage aan de verdere professionaliseren van het vakgebied.
NRP Masterprijs: Nieuwe Ideeën voor transformatie en Renovatie
Wil jij ons verrassen met jouw innovatieve ideeën voor transformatie en renovatie van de bestaande gebouwde omgeving? Zend nu jouw scriptie en/of ontwerp in en win!