Through the years our department has made some nice theses. To give you an insight we made this list showing last years theses of PhD and master students related to the Building Physics and Services environment.
We are still improving this list. Do you have comments, are you missing a thesis or do you think one of the subjects is not related to Building Physics and Services, send a mail to
Author | Year | Title | Type | TU/e Link | Field |
Ricci | 2018 | Large Eddy simulations applied to wind loading and pollutant dispersion | PhD | Link | Building Physics |
Huijbregts | 2017 | Experimental and numerical analysis of climate change induced risks to historic buildings and collections | PhD | Link | Building Physics |
Kramer | 2017 | Clever climate control for culture | PhD | Link | Building Physics |
Ricci | 2017 | Wind flow modeling in urban areas through experimental and numerical techniques | PhD | Link | Building Physics |
Ritzen | 2017 | Environmental impact assessment of building integrated photovoltaics | PhD | Link | Building Physics |
Gao | 2017 | Alkali activated slag-fly ash binders : design, modeling and application | PhD | Link | Building Materials |
Tang | 2017 | Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash - from waste to value : characterization, treatments and application | PhD | Link | Building Materials |
Lee | 2017 | Simulation-based performance assessment of climate adaptive greenhouse shells | PhD | Link | Building Performance |
Wenmaekers | 2017 | Stage acoustics and sound exposure in performance and rehearsal spaces for orchestras | PhD | Link | Building Acoustics |
Daemen | 2017 | The design of an adaptive healing room for stroke patients | PhD | Link | Building Lighting |
Magalhães de Almeida | 2017 | The effect of the wall downstream on air curtain sealing efficiency | Student | Link | Building Physics |
Kalee | 2017 | Quantifying the acoustical properties of internal vegetation screens | Student | Link | Building Acoustics |
Ezechiëls | 2017 | Design of an innovative bio-concrete using Miscanthus fibres | Student | Link | Building Materials |
Yuan | 2017 | Sodium carbonate activated slag : reaction analysis, microstructural modification and engineering application | Student | Link | Building Materials |
Onna, van | 2017 | Hygrothermal performance assessment of refurbishment solutions for post-war prefab steel concrete frame dwellings | Student | Link | Building Physics |
Costa | 2017 | Planning for the future | Student | Link | Building Performance |
Ghasempourabadi | 2017 | Performance assessment and development of a design support tool for innovative BIPV façade systems | Student | Link | Building Performance |
Giskes | 2017 | The influence of occupant behavior on the total energy consumption in offices | Student | Link | Building Performance |
Heijst, van | 2017 | Analyzing the performance gap by identifying its causal factors and quantifying their individual impacts for energy performance contracts | Student | Link | Building Performance |
Juma, Al | 2017 | Techno-economic analysis of energy storage for a Dutch nZEB single family dwelling | Student | Link | Building Performance |
Karssies | 2017 | Optimization workflow regarding daylighting, energy and glare, for performance assessment of new generation semi-transparent photovoltaic façades | Student | Link | Building Performance |
Kooi | 2017 | Extending indoor climate quality assessment in office buildings | Student | Link | Building Performance |
Plas | 2017 | A comparative assessment of ventilative and mechanical cooling for residential zero energy buildings considering the future climate | Student | Link | Building Performance |
Snoeren | 2017 | Enhanching design support of zero energy buildings by using sensitivity analysis and visualisation methods | Student | Link | Building Performance |
Pennings | 2017 | Modeling and characterizing low-frequency impact sound transmission through floor constructions | Student | Link | Building Acoustics |
Wilt, van der | 2017 | Implementation of the diffusion equation model for irregularly shaped rooms using the finite difference method | Student | Link | Building Acoustics |
Stijn, van | 2017 | Design of a floor system, made with engineered wood products | Student | Link | Building Materials |
Derks | 2017 | Resolving thermal comfort perception amidst spatial transitions | Student | Link | Building Healthy Environments for Future Users |
Molenaar | 2017 | Ventilation efficiency improvement in pharmaceutical cleanrooms for energy demand reduction | Student | Link | Building Healthy Environments for Future Users |
Osta, van | 2017 | Thermal comfort in hospital wards | Student | Link | Building Healthy Environments for Future Users |
Goijer, de | 2017 | Light in the evening | Student | Link | Building Lighting |
Vossen | 2017 | Technology - prototype - product : a two-step approach to bring building-integrated thin film PV to the market | Student | Link | Building Performance |
Dekkers | 2017 | The difference in design outcome between a WELL building standard certified indoor environment and a BREEAM-NL certified indoor environment | Student | Link | Building Performance |
Moonen | 2017 | Investigation of measuring individual illuminance levels in an open-plan office | Student | Link | Building Lighting |
Draaisma | 2017 | Indoor climate assessment of an exhibition area at the Kröller-Müller Museum | Student | Link | Building Physics |
Spierenburg | 2017 | Heat and moisture in wooden bearings of monumental buildings | Student | Link | Building Physics |
Visser | 2017 | Differences in energy consumption explained by thermoregulatory behaviour and comfort of the occupant | Student | Link | Building Physics |
Glas | 2017 | Performance based design of a structural lightweight concrete, reaching an optimal balance between density and other properties | Student | Link | Building Materials |
Dekkers | 2017 | Generation of concepts for making an airport building CO2 neutral | Student | Link | Building Services |
Labeodan | 2017 | A multi-agents and occupancy based strategy for energy management and process control on the room-level | Student | Link | Building Services |
Mattheus | 2017 | Fire propagation in an open car park | Student | Link | Building Services |
Shakerchi | 2017 | Numerical simulation of external flames in ventilation-controlled fires | Student | Link | Building Services |
Nicolai | 2016 | The influence of stage acoustics on sound exposure of symphony orchestra musicians measured versus modelled binaural sound exposure of ten musicians on three different stages | Student | Link | Building Acoustics |